About Sexual Topics Without Feeling Awkward

Communicating Sexual Topics matters can feel awkward, but can be essential to developing intimacy, trust and satisfaction between partners. From exploring unfulfilled needs or exploring potential new desires to simply checking up on each other’s wellbeing; discussing sexual topics openly strengthens any relationship.

Select the Appropriate Time and Place

Select the Appropriate Time and Place Timing is everything when it comes to initiating discussions about boundaries or expectations in your relationship. Approaching it during an argument or shortly before intimacy could come across as criticism or pressure; choose instead a more suitable moment such as during dinner after one of you has finished eating at home – such as an evening with family over drinks at home afterward for instance (this might also work!).

Other occasions could include:
1.When sitting together after having finished having dessert.
2.On a casual walk where eye contact is minimized.
3.While cuddling in bed but not right before sex. 4. Avoid moments when either partner is stressed out by work, children, or technology and creating a safe and calm environment will encourage openness and trust between you both.

Be Specific About Your Desires

Vagueness often results in confusion. If you have specific desires, fantasies, or needs it is essential that these be articulated clearly to your partner as any vagueness could cause miscommunication and lead to misinterpretations of their meaning. Dropping hints often leads to miscommunication.

Here’s how you can be specific:
1.Instead of saying you want something new, say instead “I would like to try incorporating toys into our intimacy.
2.Instead of saying you wish things were more exciting, suggest scheduling a playful date night where roleplaying could take place together.
3.Your chances of your partner understanding and meeting you halfway increase when you communicate your intentions clearly and succinctly.

Pro Tip: If you’re having difficulty Communicating Sex, try practicing first with a journal. By writing down what you intend to say before initiating the conversation about them, this can give you greater confidence when initiating it in person.

Encourage Open-Ended Questions

A conversation should never be one-sided; asking open-ended questions of your partner allows them to freely express their ideas, desires, and thoughts more freely while making discussion less about “giving orders” than sharing experiences together.

These might include questions such as these:
1.”What new experiences have you always wanted to try that we haven’t discussed?” or “Have any fantasies come up that we haven’t discussed?”
2. “What have you enjoyed most about our intimate life together?”

These questions open the floor for more in-depth conversations, allowing both partners to express themselves more fully – often uncovering desires or fantasies they hadn’t even realized they had!

Normalize the Conversation

Many people feel intimidated to bring up discussions of Sexual Topics because they were taught it is something forbidden or embarrassing to discuss, yet discussing sexuality should be as normal as discussing your health, goals or weekend plans – so the sooner people feel comfortable talking about sex more openly the easier it becomes to have these discussions.

 Here’s how:
1.Avoid overly clinical or awkward language and acknowledge it may feel awkward at times;
2.Think of this process as part of “relationship growth”, so both partners see it as healthy conversation.

Pro Tip: If you’re feeling timid about approaching someone new, bring up an intimate topic through film, books, or television programs like [TV show name]. Perhaps saying: ‘That scene in [TV show name] was incredible – would you ever try something similar?”.

Introduce New Ideas Gradually

When proposing anything new – like toys, roleplay or different positions – make it gradual. Don’t try to spring any sudden surprises on your partner; that could leave them feeling taken aback and confused.

 Here is how you could introduce an idea:
1.Mention it casually during conversation
2.Bring up an article, movie scene, or story that introduces your idea.
3.Frame it as an “experiment” or “adventure”, rather than as a demand; for instance: I came across this article about [X] and thought it might be fun to try… Would anyone like to join in reading it together?”
4.”I heard about this idea on a podcast and it sounds fun. Do you want to try it together?”

If they seem reluctant, don’t push. Give them time and space to think it over; even small seeds planted today could turn into openness in later conversations.


Although discussing sexuality can be an uncomfortable topic, discussing it doesn’t need to be awkward. By setting aside an appropriate time and place for discussion and encouraging open dialogue among partners, an inviting space where everyone feels heard will help ensure a more comfortable experience for all parties involved.

Attracting intimacy requires dialogue rather than monologue; with every discussion that occurs comes closer to an intimate, fulfilling, and exciting relationship.

When starting a conversation with someone new, take it slow and focus on being positive and open with each other. They will appreciate your honesty and your relationship will become stronger as a result.

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